Download TinyMCE here:
It is because the file \tinymce\plugins\moxiemanager\plugin.min.js is missing
You can remove it from "init":
selector: "textarea",
plugins: [
"advlist autolink lists link image charmap print preview anchor",
"searchreplace visualblocks code fullscreen",
"insertdatetime media table contextmenu paste moxiemanager"
toolbar: "insertfile undo redo | styleselect | bold italic | alignleft aligncenter alignright alignjustify | bullist numlist outdent indent | link image"
Or, you can get it from moxie page and place it in your solution where it should be.
Get the js file here:
- Make a new js file
- Paste it in the new file
- Save file as "plugin.min.js" in the directory \plugins\moxiemanager\
- Done!
it's nice, but it is thinking and not going anywhere ... something is missing?
it's nice, but it is thinking and not going anywhere ... something is missing?
Thanks now it is showing browse icon and insert file but how can we add library path
SvaraRaderaThanks now it is showing browse icon and insert file but how can we add library path
SvaraRaderaNot working, Showing a loading icon.
SvaraRaderaNot working, Showing a loading icon.
SvaraRaderastill not working
SvaraRaderastill not working
SvaraRaderaYou need to download all the files including other js file and api files of this plugin. A single JS won't gonna work out.